Friday, October 30, 2009

Enrichment madness

Last Sunday was my maiden attempt to bring Iffah to an enrichment class again. Actually, it was not really a full class. It was more of an open house cum trial session at Monte Kidz Elias Mall and I have been wanting to send Iffah to Kinderart since she was 2 but have never found the opportunity. So when I received an sms saying that there was a free trial art session, I immediately registered for it. After all, Iffah has been complaining that she hardly has art lessons in school and has been telling me that she wants to go for art classes so that she can to learn to draw more beautiful girls and princess.

Well, I have always been a big fan on enrichment classes. I always have this mindset that they are more fun and engaging ( due to the short duration ) and they are more specialised. Thus, I have been more than willing to send Iffah to Gymboree Play Tanglin Mall, Gymboree Art Parkway Parade and Kindermusik Tanglin Mall the past two years. As that was before we had a car, we would take the train to Orchard and if Tasha was working I would take the cab. Simple. But this year, with Akif in the picture, it is not so simple anymore.

Earlier in the year, Iffah was in Kindermusik. It was a parent participation class and as Iffah was still unstable we left then 1mth Akif in the care of my dad a couple of times but he soon said that he wants his Saturdays free. So whenever Tasha was working, I had to forego the class ( almost $30 burnt each time ) ..And even when Tasha was around to push Akif in the stroller while I was with Iffah inside, there was once when Akif screamed so he knocked on the door and I left the room to tend to Akif. Iffah did not want Tasha to accompany her n then screamed n created a big scene. She did not want to go back in until dear Akif was sound asleep and I could then accompany her again. So when the term ended, I decided to stop too.

Well, half a year has since passed and as she has adjusted well to both Akif and the idea of drop off classes, I have started enquiring on some enrichment classes. However, I would only go so far as Pasir Ris area.. so I had brought Iffah to Loyang Point to check out the Crestar Yamaha classes and I Can Read at White Sands. I thought I Can Read was atrociously expensive! About $500 for 11 weeks and that is not inclusive of other fees. Plus it looked too much like a typical classroom setting .The English teacher in me was thinking that she could do some grammar , composition or comprehension practices but I figured I would stay away from the enrichment classes that are too regimented for now. So, I am still not so sure if i should also enrol her for the Yamaha Junior Course as 1. I have to purchase an electone and practice with her and again, it looks too rigidly structured.

I am more inclined to enrol her in more fun classes. Interestingly, Monte Kidz at Elias Mall has Kinderart and Kindermusik enrichment. They even have Speech n Drama classes by Act 3. However, response has not been too good and even though I am hoping hard there are enough kids to form a Kinderart class, I figured that Arts is really something that not many parents would put their kids in. Sigh.

So back to the trial class last Sunday. Tasha was working the night shift on Saturday . So I was rushing to get ready my two kids. Iffah was eager so getting her ready was easy. Alas, it began to rain heavily just as we were leaving so I had to call a cab. So there I was braving the rain , with Akif in the ergo, Iffah on one hand and umbrella on the other. During the trial, Akif was not too happy waiting while his sister is drawing so it was quite difficult as he wriggled n struggled to get down . I brought him to McDonalds, tried to bfd him to sleep and all but he was still one whiny baby. Eventually I just went to one corner and carried him to sleep.

Iffah was soon done and she proudly showed me her drawing of a goldfish and rabbit. But by then, I was really exhausted. We hailed a taxi and went back ... and seriously for the next hour or so, I was too exhausted to entertain them.

Iffah was really happy .. but I wonder if I would be able to do it every week. And this is just 2 kids ... What if there is 3 ..or 4 ? Need to find a class or a location that would meet all their needs .. Anyway, I have not resolved Iffah's enrichment headache yet .. but I have just discovered that there is a MyGym in Tampines!!! Yay !! Hopefully I can find a weekday class between 2 to 4 next year so that I can accompany Akif to My Gym while Iffah is in school :):)

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