Sunday, January 11, 2009

The birth of Akif

Well, just to summarise the birth of Adik Akif, which happened about 5 hours after another big event of the year - Kakak Iffah's first day of formal school.

Sunday 4th Jan :
I felt that the day was about to come, although I was hoping that it would not come until weekend so that Iffah can go to school for about a week. Anyway , I spent the day out at Plaza Singapura, as I really want to jalan jalan before being confined.

Some contractions ...but irregular. Nevertheless I decided to go to sleep early just in case I need the energy the next day. The whole night was peaceful ... no contractions ... had a good sleep.

Monday 5th Jan
Morning 8 am :
I lost my mucuos plug. Same sign as my first pregnancy. The first time, I was only dilated 3 cm 24 hours after the bloody show and I when I surfed, a bloody show could even mean birth 2 weeks later so I was thinking I could hold on till Wed or Thur.

More blood but no contractions. Got Iffah ready for school and told Tasha he could still go to work that night unless I felt pain. Accompanied Iffah for her first day Orientation from 1 to 3 pm. No pain still

4.10 pm : Took my laptop from my school, do not want it to be there for the next 4 months. Thought of using it that night at my parents place when Tasha is doing his night shift.

4.35 pm : Weekly Appointment with Dr Heng. Surprise I was 4 cm dilated. Dr suggested I go home , have dinner and pack and go to the hospital at night. Should I wait for regular contractions I asked ? Nope just come. Still, I was not convinced and planned to go after maghrib.

5.45 pm : Reached my parents house to drop off Iffah. Tasha went home to get my things. Had been telling her she has to stay overnight at atuk's house while ibu is at the hospital. So she was ready.

6.00 pm : Felt pain. It was so intense that i wasn't even comfortable praying asar sitting down. Called Tasha to hurry up and said I cannot wait until maghrib.

6.15 pm : Told Tasha I cannot wait until he finish his food. We need to Go. NOW.

6.30 pm : In the car .. peak hour traffic !! Jam !!! Argh. Tasha was panicking as I was groaning in pain and cannot even sit straight. I was praying hard that I will not give birth in the car.

7.10: Finally . Eastshore ! Cannot walk anymore .. Wheelchair !!!!

7.15 pm : Nurse checked and it was 6 cm. Asked for gas .... yikes . Felt drowsy and vomitted all the peach ice blended. So no choice had to bear the pain without the gas.

I could then hear Dr Heng's voice around 30 min later but she went next door instead. Could hear screams and a crying baby. Hearing that, I was contemplating more pain relief.

However, she soon came to break the water bag. The pain level was even higher and the thought of epidural came into my mind but then the Dr told me to push whenever I was ready.

You mean I could push for the baby to come out now ? I asked the nurse. So push I did. No episiotomy even. And after 3 pushes, there it was my no. 2 who arrived at 8.20 p.m. Relief.. Chatted with the Dr about wanting to watch the final episode of Little Nyonya while she was stitching. Hoping that I could catch the ending back in the ward.

It all happened so fast. I even jokingly told Tasha he could still go to work there and then. Oh well, it is almost a week now. Now, I am hoping for some sort of day and night routine and to quickly resettle Iffah back in school after missing it the rest of the week.

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