Monday, August 3, 2009

At the age of 29..

- I've just discovered how alluring the world of bags and shoes is. Previously, shoes and bags were like things I only think about when Hari Raya is near. Now all that I keep thinking about is I need to get that gladiator sandals or I must really check out that 'Easy' bag.. looks quite maintenance free.

- I realise I've not been making effort to socialize. Well, it is difficult enough to find time to leave the kids at home for me time or couple time, let alone friends time. But narrowing my options to just having outings with friends who are mothers is not exactly sending the message that I value all types of friends equally. Well, at the end of the day, not knowing about old chums getting married and finding out that the person that one of my friend married to was not the boyfriend whom I thought she had made me feel that I should do more to keep myself updated with what is happening with other people and not be so self-centric. Reading facebook or blog entries do not count.

- I'm still contemplating of different career options. Well, I did think that I want to teach for a long time. When I was in MUIS, I felt I 'd rather talk than write, these days , I am thinking of the opposite.. I'd rather write than talk . Like journalism, real social research .. or some social activism .

- 30 doesn't seem old anymore. Well, I don't feel old. But I am irritated by the "young" 20 somethings who are loud, rude and materialistic and think that they are too pretty and sexy for the world ( maybe they are , but where's the humility man ? ) Or maybe, that's a sign that I AM old.


  1. Hehehe.... you want to do social research? That's what I'm doing... research on low-income families. - Fa'izah-

  2. So u all doing real research now ? Tak outsource n be project manager jer ? :)



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